Printing Bar Codes on your forms (Picking Sheets, Work Order Traveler, and Invoices) is extremely easy with Sage 100 and Crystal Reports. Here are the steps to follow:
1) From your Sage 100 Download, Run the C128Tools_Setup.exe file under the Prerequisites\Azalea directory. This will install the needed fonts and add the crystal report functions. NOTE: this needs to be done on each machine that will be printing out the customized form.
2) Create a formula to convert the field to a bar code. You want to use the BarcodeC128B function as shown below.
Note: Make sure your item numbers do not have any spaces in the Item ID
3) Insert the formula field in your report. Make sure you change your font to Code128. It is important that you make the field tall enough for the bar code and you make the font large enough for the scanner to read it.
4) Test your Bar Code with a scanner. Best way to test it is to use Microsoft Notepad.
Note: It is better to use Code 128 instead of Code 39 due to the limitations with special characters